Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dallas Museum of Art, June 14, 2009

Our June meeting was a docent guided tour of the DMA, with the focus on fashion in art. We met for a quick lunch at the DMA and then we had a few minutes to step outside and enjoy some of the Dallas Art Fest that was filling the streets with people.
Welcome to our newest member, Oshie, who attended for the first time.

There was a fun exhibit of art cars.
Benita looking cool and summery in front of the Brass Van art car.

This car is completely covered with yarn, applied in a very artistic design. Sitting beside it is the artist, working on a little repair.

Nicole, Betsy and Joyce looking at the yarn art car.

Suzanne and Joyce standing by the Beatles art car.

The Women Rock Art Car

Can you name these women?

Maureen walking into the Museum

Nicole with our docent, Christina

The Group
Oshie, Betsy, Nicole, Suzanne, Maureen, Benita, Joyce

Lone Star Park May 2, 2009

The Kentucky Derby Day at Lone Star Park is of special interest to the Hat Band. It is a fun event we have attended in the past that provides an opportunity to wear and showcase our beautiful hats. It is also fun to enter the hat competition as well as watch the horses. However, this year we opted to do the Swiss Avenue Historic Tour of Homes. Three of our members, Kelley, Margarita and Shannon, attended and here are a few photos.

Kelley pensively watching the ponies.
Margarita with Glynis, a Fort Worth attorney.

One of the funny hats, poking fun at the swine flu outbreak.

Judge wearing a Cassie Macgregor hat.
