Thursday, February 26, 2009

Valentines Day at Nicole's

Our February meeting was hosted by Nicole on February 14, 2009. This meeting was another of our Member Spotlight Series. Nicole shared with us some of her collectible treasures, and she served us a wonderful punch and finger foods. Among those treasures were beautiful vintage French fashion plates from Gazette du Bon Ton.
She also passed around some books on vintage Vogue magazine covers that were before the days of photography when the fashions were beautifully drawn. She also wowed us with some of her vintage millinery supplies, including silk veiling and rare, exotic feathers.



Rhonda and Betsy


Joyce and Paula

Because it was Valentine's Day, many of us took the opportunity to wear our red hats. It was a good day to enjoy wearing red without being mistaken for that other hat club.

These are the three groups shots I took. As you can see, I was having difficulty getting a good photo with everyone's face clearly visible.