We had a wonderful time going through the garments, hats, shoes and purses that are part of the Texas Fashion Collection at UNT. It was hands off as we walked through the racks of garments which are arranged by designer. However, we were able to touch the tags on the clothing and that gave us such information as who donated the item and the year, among other things. It is hard to image living the life style some of these donors must have lived with all the designer gowns, suits and dresses. We wondered, where did they wear all of these beautiful garments and was life one party after another? The oldest items in the collection were pre-Civil War and looked very fragile.
It was so nice to have Evelyn, the founder of the Hat Band, join us. Many years ago she worked at the Fashion Collection, and she even found tags with her handwriting. By the way, she has just published a book available from Amazon.com. It is entitled A Texas Journey: The Centennial Photographs of Polly Smith.
Here are two pictures from our meeting on Saturday. Unfortunately, Stefani, Evelyn and friend Dorothy left before I pulled out my camera.
Betsy, Rhonda, Suzanne and Nicole looking at hats.